We and You – A Message from the Free World to its Enemies
3:51 PM
We love to live.
You love to kill.
We want to live in peace.
You want war.
We honor creation.
You honor destruction.
We live in freedom.
You live in subjection.
At night we go to concerts, bars – or to churches, into the nature, to self-study groups or nowhere; or we simply go home to our loved ones. Or wherever we want. We can choose, we have free will.
You cannot choose. You do not have free will.
We can eat and drink whatever we like.
You cannot.
We respect and protect women and children, and we believe human dignity is a fundamental right that everyone deserves.
You don't profess this.
We are patient towards people who have different views, beliefs and disbeliefs.
You cannot bear people whose opinion differs from yours.
You plot in the darkness, cover your identity and the faces of your women, you cowardly attack the masses of innocent people.
We love the light, we show ourselves and the faces of our women, and don't cowardly attack the masses of innocent people.
Whether we are believers or not, we all believe in the fundamental commandment of neighborly love.
You commit your destructive, inhuman deeds full of hatred in the name of your faith.
We have learned to live in peace with our fellow citizens, our compatriots and the neighboring peoples.
You destroy your fellow citizens, your compatriots and the neighboring peoples first.
In the last few decades, we got rid of oppressive, totalitarian, anti-human ideologies, while we have sent people to the Moon, robots to Mars, invented new and new wonders of science and technology to enjoy its blessings.
In the last few decades, you have not invented or reached anything, you have only made up and spread your own oppressive, totalitarian, anti-human ideology.
We are rich and live in prosperity because we have created a world like that for ourselves.
You are poor and in need because you have created a world like that for yourselves.
We are stronger, but we have forgotten it.
You are weaker, but you have forgotten it.
We live in 2015.
You live in 1437.
We have learned from the lessons of history.
You haven't learned anything at all.