Political Islam is Inseparable from Violence – Here is Why!
12:51 PM
Bill Warner, director and founder of the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI), recently visited Budapest, Hungary to give lectures for both university students and the general public, about the connection between migration and political Islam. In his opening remarks at Saint Paul’s Academy he stated, he is not a historian but rather a scientist, analyzing Islamic doctrine and supporting every statement of his with statistics and data. He explained how Islamic texts were made deliberately difficult to read and comprehend, so he made it one of his goals to simplify these texts and make it understandable for everyone. It was after 9/11 that he decided to map the history of political Islam, encompassing some 1400 years.
According to Warner, political Islam is inseparable from conquests and violence.
Here are seven important facts supporting his argument:
1. During its 1400 years history, there was only 12 decades when Islam wasn’t fighting wars of conquest, and even during those times Muslim warlords fought 548 battles.
2. The Islamic conquest was accompanied by a multitude of victims everywhere. Throughout history: 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddhists, 80 million Hindus, 120 million Northern-Africans were murdered by the fighters of Muhammad
3. Indigenous civilizations and religions disappeared from occupied territories or were pushed to the verge of annihilation, such as the Nestorian and Jacobite Christian movements, Georgian and Armenian Christianity, as well as the Zoroastrian religion in Persia, North African Jewish communities, Indian Hindus and Buddhists.
4. The classical Mediterranean civilization was shaken by the arrival of the Islamic conquests, and when maritime transport became impossible, Europe first got into an economic crisis and later, as a result, into a cultural crisis. The responsibility for the "Dark Ages" not only lies with the barbaric tribes and the abusive and reactionary Roman Catholic Church, but also with the Muslim invasion, which took place at the era, widely called, the "Islamic Golden Age".
5. The most dramatic collapse of the civilization took place in North Africa, which was fully occupied by Islamic conquerors during the decades after the death of Muhammad. In many places of the cast depopulated areas, desertification took place.
6. The initiation of the the Crusades took place in response to the 400 years of Islamic aggression. The plea was the systematic slaughter against Christians of the Middle-East and the request for help by the Byzantine ruler. The Crusades are considered the "Christian Jihad" by many, but according to Warner –despite undoubted brutality of the Crusaders– in fact, they were defensive wars, which forced back islamic aggression against Europe for 300 years.
7. Warner believes, that the behavior of the Western world in the face of Islam can be defined by two main aspects: first is the "just remember the nice things" approach. This means that, in the spirit of political correctness, people try to forget facts of the bloody historical conflict between political Islam and Christianity, and especially the defeat of Western civilization. The other aspect is a form of psychosis due to the intensified aggression over the centuries. So, Warner compares the Western world's reaction to that of an abused woman. He says, that the West believes the problem to be in itself. It would rather hide the facts, renounces the defense and stifle critical thinking, just so it won't provide another reason for aggression.
The relilability of these facts can surely be questioned, but one needs to have courage to debate. Nowadays, the mere questioning of the nature of political Islam is classified as Islamophobic. Can a person even ask questions about Islam?
via Vigyázó blog
3. Indigenous civilizations and religions disappeared from occupied territories or were pushed to the verge of annihilation, such as the Nestorian and Jacobite Christian movements, Georgian and Armenian Christianity, as well as the Zoroastrian religion in Persia, North African Jewish communities, Indian Hindus and Buddhists.
4. The classical Mediterranean civilization was shaken by the arrival of the Islamic conquests, and when maritime transport became impossible, Europe first got into an economic crisis and later, as a result, into a cultural crisis. The responsibility for the "Dark Ages" not only lies with the barbaric tribes and the abusive and reactionary Roman Catholic Church, but also with the Muslim invasion, which took place at the era, widely called, the "Islamic Golden Age".
5. The most dramatic collapse of the civilization took place in North Africa, which was fully occupied by Islamic conquerors during the decades after the death of Muhammad. In many places of the cast depopulated areas, desertification took place.
6. The initiation of the the Crusades took place in response to the 400 years of Islamic aggression. The plea was the systematic slaughter against Christians of the Middle-East and the request for help by the Byzantine ruler. The Crusades are considered the "Christian Jihad" by many, but according to Warner –despite undoubted brutality of the Crusaders– in fact, they were defensive wars, which forced back islamic aggression against Europe for 300 years.
7. Warner believes, that the behavior of the Western world in the face of Islam can be defined by two main aspects: first is the "just remember the nice things" approach. This means that, in the spirit of political correctness, people try to forget facts of the bloody historical conflict between political Islam and Christianity, and especially the defeat of Western civilization. The other aspect is a form of psychosis due to the intensified aggression over the centuries. So, Warner compares the Western world's reaction to that of an abused woman. He says, that the West believes the problem to be in itself. It would rather hide the facts, renounces the defense and stifle critical thinking, just so it won't provide another reason for aggression.
The relilability of these facts can surely be questioned, but one needs to have courage to debate. Nowadays, the mere questioning of the nature of political Islam is classified as Islamophobic. Can a person even ask questions about Islam?
via Vigyázó blog