On Why Islam is Incompatible with European Culture

The universal ideology of Radical Islam, to what anyone can join anytime, attracts mostly those who believe that the ungodly, money- and se...

The universal ideology of Radical Islam, to what anyone can join anytime, attracts mostly those who believe that the ungodly, money- and sex-centered worldview of the West is disillusioning.
Muslims protest calling for Shaira
“Every generation must answer the questions of which direction to go, what to cling on to and what to give up. For the world is constantly and unstoppably changing. Our duty is to be prepared and keep it under control. We mustn’t ossify, for life demands its share, but we must think it over what Christianity and the tradition of enlightenment means to us. What is that we are willing to give up of them, and what do we want to preserve at all cost? The secularization? The equality of women? The insistence on private property? The separation of powers? The system of checks and balances? The mixture of sea, sex, sunshine, skiing, recreation and youth? Our cultural identity? Our language? Are these things so precious to us that we are willing to fight for them? For, despite all contradictory clichés, we all know that the systems of values are not identical, often conflicting each other, as the laws and moral traditions of different cultures do not overlap.

Numerous elements of the Islamic world is incompatible with the values listed above. Let us not delude ourselves that we will be able to maintain and further develop all that is important and valuable against a militant, converting Muslim world without a fight. As Count Gyula Andrássy warned us: "It is very good, if we have two things on our side. One is law and the other is strength. We can do without law once in a while, but never without strength." Now we are just getting ready to give unconditional rights to those, whose invasion we cannot halt or squeeze between any rules.

T. S. Eliot “Humankind cannot bear very much reality.”

An anti-democracy protest
The European Union does not have any defense or border protection capability, there is no coordinated foreign and security policy and its self-propelled bureaucracy is reliably incapable. Realizing that, human trafficking now has grown into a huge and highly profitable business. Afghans, Pakistanis, Indians, Syrians, Kosovars, Eritreans, Africans, West Balkan Peoples and who knows who else are flowing into Western Europe. This year, nearly one million people arrived in Germany. If these people are received and welcomed, it encourages the others coming in new waves, whose number will grow until it is enough to occupy what we Europeans have created over the centuries. The goal is clear: through the demographic surplus and the resettlement of women having numerous children conquer the West who has become unable to defend itself, that had once conquered and subjugated them (the Crusades, colonialism, democracy export, bombings, etc). There should be no illusions: this wave of resettlement is part of a well planned and well executed strategy. For it is highly unrealistic that masses of unemployed young people at a time just take off, and pay ten thousand dollars (!) to smugglers for trains, ships and guides (they ask 3-4000 fonts for crossing the English Channel, while the path between the Hungarian border and Germany costs 4500 euros), in order to start a new life, or rather continue the old one, in countries whose names they have never heard before (as a significant part of Hungarians do not know where the countries, regions are the people suddenly flooding their boundaries come from).

These settlers and leaders, imams and sleeper agents amongst them will be the ones to move them in the name and order of Islam, ensuring smooth reinforcement, “family reunification” (sometimes clans involved) and the settlement of new and new waves of refugees. These settlers, along with those who arrived earlier, may represent a political force democratically depriving us, Judeo-Christian native people, from our homelands. All this is taking place in front of our eyes, with the strong support of leftist political and media elite of "useful fools" (Lenin) of 68’. Although ayatollah Khomeini warned us in time: “Islam is politics or it is nothing.” Yes, Islam is politics and religion as well. Even a converting religion, its believers represent the teachings of the Prophet with a fanatic conviction in a kind of Western-Europe, where the “get away with it”-oriented elite, impersonalized in infocapitalism, is unable of defense, do not want nor is able to confront it.

Via Mária Schmidt, Mandiner

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