Muslim integration has been, for many years now, the centre of the debate on immigration and now after the Paris attacks the topic is more r...

We love to live. You love to kill. We want to live in peace. You want war. We honor creation. You honor destruction. We live in ...

Dear Reader! This article may present a very different opinion from the mainstream and it does not necessarily worship the new era of childl...

Islam has become a taboo in the western media in the past few decades. Whoever tries to examine or question the nature or the goals of Isl...

The debate about the existence of a master plan for the economic, cultural and  political  unification of the world and the radical transfo...

Have you heard the argument that Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of ex...

Europe is under the strike of a new wave of migration, the biggest since the second world war. The common understanding of the issue is m...

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